Reverse Polish Notation

An RPN Calculator

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NOT FULLY TESTED. 'rec' (record) not ready.
{{"bazy"[$index]}} r i
x r i

  Example: √[(5+3)² x (12/4) + 4]
5 enter⇈
+ enter⇈
x enter⇈
12 enter⇈
x enter⇈

  Answer: 14


Numbers you enter are not checked for validity until you try to use them. Successful results are 'selected' so that the next number you enter replaces the previous result, but you can also use results in your next calculation, in which case, they are coloured orange in the History of Keystrokes.

For exponents use the [e] key. For Euler's Number use [e¹].

The change-sign key [±] works on either the mantissa or the exponent (of decimal numbers) depending on the cursor position or the selection. It also maintains the selection.
For example:
[3] [enter⇈] [±] (The sign is not 'selected').
[1234], select 23 and click [±] (gives -1234).
[5] [enter⇈] [2.5e200] [±] [÷] (gives 2e+200).

Hexadecimal (hex) mode works with integers up to 12 hex digits with a sign bit,
hex 800000000000 to 7FFFFFFFFFFF (-140737488355328 to 140737488355327).

Decimal numbers optionally have a sign (+ or -) for the mantissa and another for the exponent, but hexadecimal (hex) numbers have no signs or exponents. However, change-sign [±] does work in hex mode.

When combining numbers in different formats, like adding hex to complex, the input
registers take precedence. If results cannot be expressed in that form, the result
will be in the nearest valid form.

Version: ts2.030 © Copyright 2017. Bug reports to me on, thanks, Lucy.VL.

History of Keystrokes
Prev. Stack (Real) Prev. Stack (Imgy) Input (Real) Input (Imaginary) Mode Key Result (Real) Result (Imaginary) Mode Message
{{stroke.prevStackReal}} {{stroke.prevStackImag}} {{stroke.inDataReal}} {{stroke.inDataImag}} {{stroke.modeInp}} {{stroke.keyData}} {{stroke.resultDataReal}} {{stroke.resultDataImag}} {{stroke.modeRes}} {{stroke.commentData}}
“Undo” History (Items removed by “undo”)
Prev. Stack (Real) Prev. Stack (Imgy) Input (Real) Input (Imaginary) Mode Key Result (Real) Result (Imaginary) Mode Message
{{stroke.prevStackReal}} {{stroke.prevStackImag}} {{stroke.inDataReal}} {{stroke.inDataImag}} {{stroke.modeInp}} {{stroke.keyData}} {{stroke.resultDataReal}} {{stroke.resultDataImag}} {{stroke.modeRes}} {{stroke.commentData}}
